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What is United for ALICE?

ALICE stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. It's a term that represents a significant portion of our population – people who work hard in jobs such as cashiers, childcare providers, and other essential roles. Despite their contributions to our workforce, ALICE individuals earn just above the Federal Poverty Level but fall short of what they need to cover basic needs. ALICE was first developed out of a United Way in New Jersey and has now spread to 29 states, including South Carolina as its newest. Trident United Way is heading up the initiative for the state of South Carolina, and it will provide data and insights to United Way of Florence County to help tackle issues.


Who is ALICE?

ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) may be a relative or friend. You may be ALICE. As cashiers, waiters, child care providers, and other members of our essential workforce, ALICE earns just above the Federal Poverty Level but less than what it costs to make ends meet. These struggling households are forced to make impossible choices each day. While such hardship is pervasive, households of color are disproportionately ALICE.


ALICE also represents the data reshaping the dialogue on financial hardship, and a grassroots movement that is picking up steam across half of U.S. states - and counting.

The ALICE Report provides a detailed analysis and data that explains why so many of our neighbors are struggling.

  • While total number of households has remained relatively flat, the number of ALICE households has increased 80% from 2010-2022 going from 9,000 to 16,255.

  • 52% of households fall within the ALICE threshold, which includes households in poverty (21%) as well as those struggling to make ends meet (31%).

  • Of the nine towns within Florence County, five are comprised of majority ALICE households – Sardis being the most heavily affected with 60%.

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